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Unser brandneues Limited Early Access Program bietet ausgewählten Kunden die Möglichkeit, iKamper Gear Guides mit exklusivem Zugang zu unveröffentlichten Produkten im Austausch für konstruktives Feedback zu werden. Diese Gear Guides werden ihre Erfahrungen, Gedanken und ihren Enthusiasmus aus dem wirklichen Leben teilen, indem sie Produkte in frühen Releases verwenden, um zu dem Ziel von iKamper beizutragen, die besten Overland-Produkte der Welt zu entwickeln.
Die erste Runde von LEAP ist abgeschlossen und wir freuen uns darauf, mit unseren Gear Guides an unserem neuen Disco-Küchensystem zu arbeiten! Bleiben Sie dran für die nächste Runde von LEAP!
At iKamper, we strive to constantly grow and improve both our company and our products. We know that some of the best feedback comes from members of the iKamper Community, customers who know what they want and what they’re looking for when it comes to adventure.
We’re looking for dedicated members of the iKamper Community (iKamper owners) who know exactly what kind of overlanding and camping equipment they need, and who have a knack for product reviews and feedback. If you feel that you’d make an excellent LEAP Gear Guide, we encourage you to apply!
Do you have what it takes to become an official iKamper Gear Guide? For this first edition of LEAP, the selected Gear Guides will get exclusive early access to the Disco Series at a 50% discount. In exchange, we need your valuable feedback and ask that you share your experiences.
Please take the time to carefully fill out the form below. It should only take 15 minutes, but the level of effort put into the application will be key in selecting our first Gear Guides
The Disco Series cooking system that allows you to go anywhere and cook anything. This set comes complete with the Disco Tripod, Disco Skillet, Disco Stove, and Disco Table.
With its wide and concave design, the Disco Skillet is the perfect companion for everything from scrambling eggs to sizzling steaks.
Pair it with the Disco Tripod and Disco Stove and you’ve got the ultimate “Go Anywhere & Cook Anything” camp stove you’ve always dreamed of.
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